*interACTN content is indexed in PubMed
InterACTN Case Submissions
These are educational patient cases that will take users through a case history and the process of localization, diagnostic testing decisions and interpretation, and differential diagnosis. The interactive format allows learners to explore and test their knowledge. Figures or Images such as radiology images, EEG or EMG sections, or pathology images should be included when appropriate with patient identifiers removed. These should be included as a separate Word or PowerPoint document. There should be a caption that includes the description of the image or study and a “read” or “report” on the image or study. Snapshots of relevant sections of imaging or studies are appropriate rather than including the full study. The discussion section allows the author to educate the user about the diagnosis while highlighting the unique and interesting aspects of the case. Cases will be selected based on their educational value, and authors are invited to submit both common as well as rare conditions that have value for learners at all levels of training and beyond.
To submit your case:
• Login to the Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology submission portal
• Select “interACTN Case” as the submission type and format your file using this template (there is no APC required for this submission type)
interACTN Case Presentations – CME for Authors
ANA is now offering CME to interACTN case authors. Authors may contact [email protected] for more information on earning CME credits.